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I met Sara (then known as Akua Fridwoa) in 2015, she had been found wandering around a large and busy market, rummaging in bins for food and she was brought to the orphanage. Sara has autism and epilepsy and due to the way that she had been treated she was scared and avoided any human contact.

With time I managed to get her into the sensory room that I have provided at the home and used intensive interaction and sensory play. She flourished, becoming more confident and interactive, showing her beautiful personality and loving nature. She loved playing with the musical instruments and interacting with us and as she felt more safe she would show her excitement by jumping up and down and hand stimming with a big, beautiful smile.

In orphanages in Ghana there is a lack of knowledge and resources for the care of children with additional needs and this really impacted the care of Sara. In early 2017, I reached out to Hand in Hand, the most incredible home in Nkoranza, Ghana for children with special needs. They decided that they would take Sara into their care. I was ecstatic to know that this little darling will now receive love, kindness and specialist care that she so deserves. I love to visit Sara in her new home to see her engaging with her caregivers, friends and most of all her happy dancing.  



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