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Nakita, who is a great friend of Family First's, and her family have sponsored Esther to get a wheelchair, standing frame and AFO’s for home, and sponsor her school fees. Esther has excelled since starting at Little Haven School and her teacher’s feedback that she has the biggest most wonderful smile when she arrives each morning. She is extremely sociable and interacts well with the other members of her class. Through the variety of therapies Esther receives, she is growing in confidence and is excited to give most things a go. She is now able to sit to stand independently, holding a bar to give her support. She feeds herself and is working on self-dressing. Through a mixture of gestures and words Esther is now able to clearly communicate with her teachers and family her basic needs and engages in oral motor activities daily to develop her speech sounds.

Family First work with the family regularly offering physio and speech therapy training to her mother and family, who are very happy with Esther’s progress, especially that she can now wash her own school uniform!!!
At our weekend meetings at the centre, Esther is becoming a great help in supporting the other children with Cerebral Palsy. One of Esther’s favourite activities is swimming, where she can bob around independently, kicking her legs (this is also a great activity for her physical development and managing her weight). Esther’s mother has benefitted from a FFG business loan and support to set up a shop outside their house.


We are extremely happy with the progress Esther has made; she really is flourishing. We now want to look at an accessible project within their home. We have started by getting an accessible toilet and handle bar, and we would love to create a wheelchair accessible route to the main road which would stop family members having to carry her on their back… it’s a big project so watch this space!!

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​Esther is a very kind and gentle girl and is 8 years old. Esther has Cerebral Palsy that affects her physical ability, she is very clever little girl who has always been desperate to go to school. Sadly, in Kumasi there are extremely limited school options for children who cannot walk and Esther spent most of her time at home. However, Little Haven is a wonderful inclusive private school in Kumasi which offers special education, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy and we were able to enrol Esther there in July 2019.

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