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Afia is an inspiring young girl, who will always greet you with the biggest smile and warmest of hugs. We found Afia in a very sad situation living on the streets away from her family. In 2015, we supported Afia into a safe home for immediate care and support. Since this we have been working with Afia’s father and building bridges with her local community so that she now lives with her father in a safe and loving family environment where she is is thriving.

Afia’s sponsorship has enabled Afia and her father to rent a home, ensures that they have a nutritious diet, regular medical care and Afia comes to Family First centre during her school vacation for physiotherapy and sensory play. Afia’s father has excelled in the care of Afia now that he has increased understanding and a strong support system, he has been working on developing her speech, physical ability and toileting so that she can go to school. We are delighted with the positive transformation of Afia and her father’s situation.


Afia started school in September and her sponsorship pays for her boarding fees and school provisions.

Afia absolutely loves school, she gets on so well with her peers and teachers and is a real character at the school. She can never walk anywhere, running around to greet everyone and complete her jobs. Both her speech and self-care continues to flourish. Afia has been placed in Agriculture class, which is the perfect class for her as when she vacates home she spends a lot of time helping out on the farm, so she is learning a skill that will give her a sense of self-purpose in her home community. 



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