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Afia Mary Addae is 13 years old. She is a beautiful, smiling girl who straight away stood out to me. She would walk around giggling and grabbing the attention of all her community. As we chatted to Afia she told us her dreams of going to school, but sadly we discovered that Afia was not living in a happy situation. Her mother had passed away and the rest of her family wanted nothing to do with her because of her additional needs. We found out that Afia was living on the streets, in an old church building which had no windows or doors and a horrible bumpy concrete floor. She was being fed by a kind lady, called Monica, who lived in her community.


Helping Paul
Helping Paul

Myself and Afia

Afia's old bed

Myself, Afia and Monica

Afia’s living situation was heart breaking and I knew that this child could not remain living how she was. In Ghana there are very few options for children with special needs and we struggled to find a place that would accept this child. Government run orphanages would not accept a child if she had known living family, as they should be forced to care for them. The one special needs school in Kumasi would not accept someone living on the streets as it was too much work for them, and the special needs home we knew of was already well over-subscribed.

I knew I could not give up on this child, she had no one else to fight for her! We were lucky enough to come across a small home, which accommodates 15 children with special needs. After a few weeks of work, this home accepted Afia to be their newest residential child. She will live there, go to school and have support for her additional needs. The home is amazing and Afia is settling in well.

Afia's new home and school

On the swing at her new home

Afia and her new friends

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For Afia to stay at Kings and Queens she must contribute funds to the home. However, as Afia’s family do not want to care for her, this also means there is no financial support from them. Therefore, Helping Paul will support her to stay here where she is safe and cared for.

We are looking for a group of people to come together to sponsor Afia to allow her the life and opportunities that she deserves.

The costs each month:

Food and Water = 100 cedi a month
Water and electricity usage = 150 cedi
Clothes = 50 cedi

Toiletries = 66 Cedi 

Care = 20 cedi

Health Insurance = 30 cedi a year

This translates to £80 a month.  


I understand that the total cost of £80 a month is a large cost, however if 8 people were to sponsor Afia together this would make it 2.50 each a week (£10 a month) which is actually an extremely small cost to impact the entire life of Afia. 

You would be supporting her when no one else would. You would be taking a young vulnerable girl off of the streets. You would be changing her life.

Please get in touch, if you alone would like to part sponsor Afia or if you and a group of friends or colleagues would like to sponsor her. You can contact us by emailing

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